RMC meets the WWW

Rich Media Consulting is proud to announce the launch of our new website.

If you are interested in receiving more information about RMC or would like to schedule a consultation, visit the Contact Us page.

We invite you to take your time and learn about the services and expertise RMC can bring to your business.

Thought of the Day

What are you going to accomplish in the next 2-3 years that you will be talking about for the rest of your life?

Radio Services

  • Spend a day at the stations reviewing the “numbers”, both quantitative and qualitative.
  • Spend a half day with the respective sales teams conducting a “Situational Analysis”. Help the teams re-discover the marketing power of their stations, strengths, weaknesses, threats, and opportunities. The end result is that the staffs have an opportunity to get their thoughts and ideas out on the table and, in many cases, a new vision on the power and marketing influence of their station.
  • Conduct a sales meeting focusing on each station’s “Ideal Prospects” and identifying specific clients to target.
  • Introduction of the “Client Needs Analysis” or “Consultant Sell” interview and how that interview can lead to discovering a client’s “Key Marketing Challenge” and what the sales team can do to solve their marketing challenge.
  • Develop a specific marketing plan for each “Ideal Prospect” with a specific timeline and financial goal.
  • Introduction of the Account List Management System. We will identify “key” and “target” accounts and develop specific plans to get additional dollars from current accounts or a plan to get new categories of business on the air.
  • Introduce the concept of “Effective Time Spent Listening”.
  • During market visits I would like to address a myriad of sales and marketing topics including: Selling Based on Value Not Price; Customer Focus and Determining Real Customer Needs; Personal Positioning/What Are You Known For?; Redefining Value Added and How to Use It To Your Advantage; Becoming a Marketing Professional Verses a Spot Seller; Coming Up With an Ideal Customer Profile/Who Should You Be Calling On and Why; and Learning to Identify a Client’s Key Marketing Challenge.
  • During market visits, one-on-ones with each salesperson, focusing exclusively on their “Ideal Prospects”, “Key” and “Target” accounts, etc.
  • Unlimited Calls and E-mails.