Rich Media Consulting is proud to announce the launch of our new website.
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What are you going to accomplish in the next 2-3 years that you will be talking about for the rest of your life?
We Help Put a Stop to Declining Radio and Television Revenues
Greetings from Salt Lake City, Utah! A few weeks ago there was an ad in Radio and Records magazine for “Radio Sales Boot Camp.” As you know, we now live in a world of “lists” and this ad was no exception. As we reviewed the list of the “first 17 things you’ll learn” we asked ourselves, “What role does the client play in this process? How do we transform our sellers into marketers and help them learn to identify a client’s key marketing challenge? And finally, how do we then use our radio or television station to help the client solve the problem?” That’s how you “sell” radio and television and that’s how you develop long term relationships with successful clients!
Sales seminars can be a lot of fun and can help your sales staff recharge their “emotional batteries”. But the #1 goal on the list should be to help our salespeople become better marketers, learn to identify a client’s key marketing challenge, and help them address that challenge by using radio or television! You help a client resolve a pressing marketing challenge and repeat business and station revenue growth will take care of itself!
Based on that premise, Rich Media Consulting was born. The first goal of Rich Media Consulting is to transform your sales team from “sellers” into “marketers”. Second, to identify specific clients that are currently using radio or television but could be using it more effectively or targeting potential clients and coming up with a plan to get them on the air. Our goal is not to sell radio or television but to get the client to want to buy radio or television!
Third, marketing and promotion and identifying additional revenue streams for your stations. When money gets tight the first thing radio or television people tend to do is exactly what we tell our clients not to do: We cut the marketing and promotions budget! The reality is there are a lot of ways to market and promote your stations without having to spend a lot of money. Developing a database, loyal listener/viewer programs, event marketing and charitable tie-ins to name a few. We can help you identify ways to maximize your visibility in the market and generate a lot of revenue while you’re doing it!
Last but not least, budgets. Sometimes it just helps to have a second pair of eyes review where the money’s going and how it might be allocated more effectively. We can also take a look at performance based compensation and commission plans to make sure that your staff is focusing on the areas that are important to you.
As a group we have over 67 years of broadcast sales, marketing, promotion, and management experience. It’s lucky we got into the business when we were teenagers! There is too much “Wall Street” in the radio and television business today and too many people with the “quick fix” list of ways to deal with all the challenges. The secret to radio or television’s long term success is LOCAL, LOCAL, LOCAL, and teaching our “marketing” teams how to solve your client’s problems. Rich Media Consulting will help you do that!
As you know, we shouldn’t be talking price without first establishing value. Based on our desire to be marketers, we need to conduct a “client needs analysis”, identify your “key marketing challenge” and customize a plan that will help you address that challenge. This would be a great business decision and a lot of fun! We look forward to working with you!